Rimonte, Pedro: Amar y no paceder

for 5 voices or instruments.

The Spanish composer Pedro Rimonte (Ruimonte, Ruyrnonte) seems to have been born around 1565. He was one of the musicians chosen to go to Brussels for the wedding of the Infanta Isabella in 1598, and subsequently appears to have stayed in that city until 1614, when he returned to his native Zaragoza. His El Parnaso espafiol de madrigales y villancicos, from which the present piece was taken, was published in Antwerp in 1614; it consists partly of madrigals of an attractive but rather oldfashioned kind, and partly villancicos in five and six parts mostly on religious subjects. These villancicos, like much Spanish music of the Renaissance, make great use of cross-rhythms, resulting in a kind of music that is unique to the Iberian peninsula. Typically, each piece consists of three sections, the estribillo, or initial refrain, often in three parts, followed by a second refrain, or responsión, for the full number of voices, and then the coplas or verses. In the present work the estribillo is incorporated in the end of the coplas, so that the opening section needs to be performed only at the very beginning; the coplas should lead back into the responsión. The complete form of the piece is thus:
Estribillo - responsión - verse 1-responsión - verse 2-responsión.
Amar y no padeçer makes considerable use of black notes, to express a 3/2 rhythm within a basic 6/4 rhythm, so much so, that the 3/2 often dominates, with the 6/4 forming the cross-rhythm.
In this edition the original note values have been halved throughout. Editorial accidentals are shown in the usual way, applying to the one note only. In the coplas the Gs in the alto in bars 4-5 and 11-12 are marked sharp in the original.


4,90 EUR

Produkt-ID: LPM-EML164  

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